Organisations are slowly starting to understand the challenges and embrace the opportunities that emerge with a new generation of technologies, the blockchain, marketing-driven frameworks such as the Metaverse, and others.
Central to theses discussions is the decentralized Web 3.0 and the emergence of digital and virtual worlds, as well as the partial fusion with the physical world. While Web 1.0 made it possible for users to search for information, Web 2.0 brought networking and interaction via social media platforms. As a result, peer-to-peer concepts emerged. The new Web 3.0 is additionally characterized by the ability to automatically connect actors and content based on artificial intelligence, to enable parties to interact in virtual worlds, and thus offer users additional value.
In order to foster these conversations and support sense-making and opportunity identification in organisations, Dr Markus Rach and Prof Dr Marc K Peter from the FHNW School of Business in Switzerland created a workshop canvas.
The canvas guides organisations via an understanding of their pain point of potential new business to marketplace interactions, the required building blocks of innovation culture, digital maturity and organisational capabilities, to finally elaborate a Web 3.0 strategy by defining the opportunity and adoption in their customer segments based on the idea of value extension or value substitution, and to build a technology roadmap that enables its implementation (or first prototypes).
Seven steps towards your Web 3.0 Strategy

Business to Marketplace Interaction
Which developments in technology, society and regulations will redefine, and how, your organisation’s interactions and transactions on Web 3.0?

Innovation Culture
Is your organisation and management willing to take risks and invest; and how will your business values support your journey?

Digital Maturity
To which degree is your organisation digitally transformed and thus has the foundations of a digital business to further advance towards Web 3.0?

Organisational Capabilities
What resources and capabilities will be required to take advantage of opportunities and to manage challenges of your Web 3.0 strategy and projects?

Customer Segments
Which customer segments/personas will most likely adopt Web 3.0 platforms and tools, what barriers do they have to overcome, and what drives adoption?

Value Extension and Substitution
How are you going to capture value by extending and/or substituting value of your products, services or processes?

What technologies are needed, what is the IT/technology strategy, and how will it be implemented based on a roadmap with milestones?
The Authors

Dr Markus Rach
Markus is a leading expert in Digital Marketing, author of multiple Amazon bestsellers and a lecturer at the FHNW School of Business.

Dr Marc K. Peter
Marc is the Head of the Competence Centre Digital Transformation at the FHNW School of Business and a leading expert for Digital Business strategies.
Contact us for further information, research projects and executive education programmes:
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Institute for Competitiveness and Communication
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten